Monkeys, Motorcycles and Misadventures is a travelogue written by Harsha and published by Frog Books of Leadstart Publishing Pvt. Ltd. It is a non fiction and I have received this book as part of book review program of Reader's Cosmos.
Cover : I didn't like the cover much as it not indicate to an adventures journey. Hanuman's picture is connected to the content along with other animals shown in the picture but it somehow fail to ignite curiosity to read.
Content: The book is about narrator's dream to follow Lord Hanuman's path which He took in search of Sita(according to Ramayana) from Hampi, Karnataka to Mahendragiri near Nagarcoil, Tamil Nadu and to Sri Lanka. He started this journey with his friends Sri and Sam his best friends who also accompanied him in his previous tours. This book is an account of this journey, their experience and author's retaining faith in humanity and God.
Comments: When I applied for reviewing this book I thought it would be interesting anecdotes of authors journey to Hanuman path but sadly it failed to impress me. The description of places is like reading a boring tour guide without any interesting tales to involve the readers to this book. There are instances in this book which have potential to be interesting but the writing style make them just plain description of events without any humor and adventure. At times it became difficult to continue further reading but since I have to review it I painfully read it till the last page. Although the Sri Lanka journey part was bit interesting than the first half of the book. I like many quotes given in the book and some conversations between author and his friends were also interesting but overall impact of the book is one word - Boring. Non-fictions should be engrossing with interesting anecdotes, humor or stories.
Verdict: Don't read if you are not interested in following the path taken by Hanauman to reach Sita through author because I am sure the path would be interesting otherwise. Read for some knowledge of places in South India and Sri Lanka.
Rating: I would only give it 1/5.
"This book review is a part of The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program and Blog Tours. To get free books log on to"