Book Review: "Mommy Memoirs," by Ann Van De Water

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor
About this book:
If you are a mom, want to be a mom, know a mom, or have a mom, this inspirational book is for you!
Ann takes you step-by-step through her own adventures, from realizing her OB-Gyn went to her church and finding out she was pregnant with her first, to her hysterectomy, launching her youngest off to college, and facing the dreaded empty nest with bucket list in hand -- and everything in between -- she leaves few stones unturned.
Her transparency gives you permission to admit to your own imperfections and laugh with her as you recognize yourself in the tales she tells. Learn from her mistakes and rejoice with her as she sees God’s hand of blessing in her life as a wife and mother!
You will appreciate the short stories that can be devoured quickly and the humor she brings to each situation in turn. You will come away with the reminder to take yourself less seriously and enjoy a good laugh every day. However, have a box of tissues on hand as well.
Many of us have “been there and done that.” Enjoy Ann’s memories of her mommy moments! Come be reminded of what an honor and privilege it is to partner with God in the best career out there -- being a mom!
My thoughts:
I have been laughing my head off as I read Ann’s anecdotes about raising her three sons. As a mother of sons, as well, I can especially relate to Ann’s descriptions of the mischief her boys get into. Best of all, I love that Ann isn’t afraid to show that she was never the perfect mom. In fact, her conclusion is titled, “Nobody’s Perfect”! She made mistakes (like using a son’s silly nickname in front of his friends), but through it all, humor and prayer got them through the childhood years. Ann’s tales are brief, generally about two pages long, so they’re easy to read through on a mother’s busy schedule. I found so many stories that I could relate to, from “letting down” in public (breastfeeding moms know exactly what I mean) to struggling to find a last-minute Halloween costume. I encourage all mothers and moms-to-be to read Ann Van De Water’s Mommy Memoirs. You’ll learn that you don’t have to be perfect to be the best mom for your kids!
Learn more about this book and Ann Van De Water at Follow Ann on Twitter and Facebook, too!

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