And her brothers aren't really helping, her dad just got made into Chief of Police, and reeling from her mother's recently departure - she left the family - and has a melancholy ghost following her around.
But things do look up when she meets Lucy and Al and begins making friends with people not related to her.
My Thoughts: Friends With Boys was a cute, quick read. I actually didn't know it was a graphic novel until I started reading it but it was quite good. I'm not the biggest fan of the style, but then I'm more of a manga-girl, and I often find comic-drawing a little harsh and, in this particular case, a bit dark (in color scheme not theme per se).
Anyway, the story was rather nice, I really liked Al and Lucy and Maggie's brothers. I've never have brothers but their relationships seemed true and there were lots of funny moments. Oh, and you can see a sample of it at