Book Review – Finding It

By Jazmin-Jade

Title: Finding It [Losing it 3]

Author: Cora Carmack

Genre: Romance

Length: 320

Rating: 4 Star

Series Review: 11.5, 2, 3, 3.5


Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find where you truly belong…

Most girls would kill to spend months traveling around Europe after college graduation with no responsibility, no parents, and no-limit credit cards. Kelsey Summers is no exception. She’s having the time of her life . . . or that’s what she keeps telling herself.

It’s a lonely business trying to find out who you are, especially when you’re afraid you won’t like what you discover. No amount of drinking or dancing can chase away Kelsey’s loneliness, but maybe Jackson Hunt can. After a few chance meetings, he convinces her to take a journey of adventure instead of alcohol. With each new city and experience, Kelsey’s mind becomes a little clearer and her heart a little less hers. Jackson helps her unravel her own dreams and desires. But the more she learns about herself, the more Kelsey realizes how little she knows about Jackson.


Better than the last not as good as the first.

I really liked the characters in this book. I am just going to say now that after reading the last book a lot of things would seem good so I don’t know if that had heaps to do with it, but I liked it anyway.

The idea of this mystery guy from the army was a really sexy kind of thought. Their love developed at a good pace, starting off slow and building from there; at the same time though it was because Kelsey is a really pushy character with a past paced life with lots of drinking and partying. That being said I think Kelsey let Jackson get away with way too much. I mean, who doesn’t question those kind of things? He just pops up all the time wherever she is without planning and he doesn’t explain anything about anything.

I thought the fact that Kelsey being raped or what ever exactly happened to her felt a bit forced. To me it felt like it didn’t matter so much and was put into the story to try and give her character something deep when there isn’t really anything all that deep about Kelsey. It might have been better if it was presented in a different way.

It was soo depressing when the truth about how and why they met finally came out and we realise it was all because of her father whom she pretty much hates. They ended up together despite that in the end of the story. I think it should have probably ended without them making up though cause that was totally crushing when I thought it wasn’t going to happen.

So yes, not up there with the first one but I really liked the characters. They really had their moments.

Till Next Time…