BOOK REVIEW: After the Fall by Laurent Queyssi

By Berniegourley @berniegourley Page
Out: October 12, 2021
This isn't exactly a thinking person's read. It's a fine, if simple, return home quest story with plenty of action. But it feels like the production process began with an artist's Wishlist - e.g. "I would like to draw a comic that combines my love of dinosaurs, aliens, roided-up dudes, scantily-clad women, fantasy genre weaponry, bare boobies, zombies, and set it all within a crumbling 21st century Earth city." To which the writer said, "We can do that! I've been working on this story about a friend who got his headphones stolen." And the artist said, "That sounds perfect!"

It's not until the end of the book that we learn what could create such a disparate set of conditions. We know that nuclear radiation could only account for the super-huge and preternaturally-aggressive animals, as well as the superpowers. How are we to account for the fact that all the men look like Conan the Barbarian, all the women look like their previous gig was sitting atop a muscle car for a muffler shop calendar, and some of the dudes look like video game monsters / aliens? I won't spoil the mystery radiation that could result in such a range of afflictions, as well as bringing back the dinosaurs, except to say that I didn't find the explanation compelling.

Unless you've been looking for a book that combines pterodactyls, aliens, superpowered anti-heroes, boobies, roided-up dudes, and stylized battle axes, you can probably pass on this one. But, if you're into such things,...

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