Book Review – A Castle Of Sand

By Jazmin-Jade

Title: A Shade of Blood [A Shade of Vampire 3]

Author: Bella Forrest

Genre: Young Adult, Supernatural, Vampire

Length: 296

Rating: 3 Star

Series Review: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


What Sofia has with Derek feels like a sandcastle; temporary and something that the waves of life and time will soon ruin…

Since the return of Gregor Novak, the island has turned several shades darker. His hatred toward Sofia and thirst for fresh blood lead to a brutal war igniting between father and son.

Meanwhile, the hunters are gaining formidable strength and resources by the day; they know that the safety of The Shade hangs entirely on its ability to remain hidden from them.

And a sinister secret lies in wait for Sofia within the bowls of an Egyptian desert… a secret that threatens to crush her sandcastle much sooner than she could have expected.


Like this one more than the last.

Things actually happened in this one plot wise so that was nice. We got a lot of fighting and a few hearts got ripped out. That was cool. And here is a spoiler – Ben died. I was pretty happy about that, I didn’t care about him all that much. It really confused me when he became friends with Claudia though, I don’t think that would have ever happened. Even though he got over revenge I can’t see his character being that mature as to work with someone who tortured him for weeks – end spoiler.

We saw quite a bit of the vampire hunter place which was nice. I thought Derek became really bloody stupid. The lack of Viv in this book was depressing enough but then Derek went and ditched Sofia even after all the sacrifices that she made for them to be back together.

Sofia actually starts to become useful and starts to fix things at the shade for the humans a little which was nice. I can’t stand people who are useless the entire time. She also gets tortured a little which I also liked because I don’t really like Sofia yet. Im also just going to say that her relationship with her mother is just sick. The way her mum feels about her, I mean wow. I know some mother act that way in movies but do they actually do this in real life? I don’t know but I could really feel the hatred.

Throughout the entire book there were references to Sofia’s love and life being like a sand castle, something that wont last. It was a nice touch the first couple of times. It kept on happening though. Something that was nice to start with ended up making physically angry by the end because of how many times it was mentioned. Be prepared for annoyance if you read this book.

I am glad that Ashley has become more of a figure in the books, I think she adds laughter when no one else is funny at all. One such moment:

Sofia frowned as my eyes bore into hers. She knew–like she always did when it came to me–that what I was saying wasn’t to be taken lightly. Her grip enveloped mine.
“It’s like they’re communicating through Bluetooth or something…” Ashley muttered under her breath.

I would recommend this book to someone who has started reading the series already. If you felt the same way about the first book then I think you would enjoy this one well enough. It does seem to be getting better from now on. I shall continue on.

Till Next Time…