In the Hand of the Goddess picks up after the events of the first book in the series, and continues to follow Alanna on her journey to achieve knighthood - to become the first female knight in her kingdom in over a century. She greatly fears being discovered and cast out before she can achieve her goal, and she works hard to prove herself as a formidable warrior while still keeping her secret.
The story kicks off with Alanna's startling encounter with a Goddess who has taken a particular interest in her quest to become a knight. The Goddess warns of troubling times ahead and encourages Alanna to learn to overcome her fears before she faces the Chamber of the Ordeal, her final challenge before achieving knighthood. The Ordeal itself is one of Alanna's greatest fears, even though it proves not to be the greatest challenge she ever faces.
One thing I particularly enjoy about Alanna's character is that she has very little time for the antics of the men around her. She ignores the traditional boasting and insults thrown at her during duels, because she finds that her silence unnerves her opponents, and responses are a waste of breath that could be better spent landing the next blow. But she isn't afraid to speak her mind when she needs to, even when silence is considered the more respectable option, and she can be very frank with the people around her when she feels the situation calls for it. Hers is a story of self-discovery, and Alanna learns that there's no harm in accepting the good things that come into your life, and even though it goes against her nature, she learns to accept what she cannot change with grace. That's probably a lesson we all need to learn at some point in life.
I think this book particularly hit home for me, because when I first read it, I was the same age as Alanna at the start of the book, and her stories felt like they could one day be my own. The series is, of course, aimed at a young adult audience, but I'd recommend it to anyone who can enjoy a kickass heroine who makes everyone stand up and pay attention, even if it is in disguise. For Alanna, identity is a huge theme on her journey, and that's something that everyone struggles with at one time or another, and the lifting of her disguise is a final step in that struggle for her. But if you can learn anything from her, it's that you should pursue what you want in life with stubbornness, but also learn to adapt when you find that you want different things as well, and accept that changing your mind is okay if you change it for yourself.