Book Promo Day: 1st August, 2013

By Imagineer @ImagineerTeam

One of my own books, The Sigil of Ahriman, is featured on Rose & Beps Blog, which offers a similar opportunity to authors to have one of their books featured.  You may like to check it out yourselves!


Detour Trail by Joy V. Smith

Westward bound on the Oregon Trail, Lorena Emerson is alone after her uncle is killed. Ignoring the wagon master’s advice to go home, she rounds up others needing help, and they join a later wagon train, but down the trail, they leave that train; she’s forging her own path again. And then she rescues Barrett Lee – with Gray Cloud’s help. After this man from the wilderness recovers, he and the wolf leave – with a nudge from Lorrie. Will he return? Will these two independent people make room for each other?

Purchase from:

Melange Books

More information:

Author’s website

Ulterior Motives by Mel Parish

Kidnapped while on vacation in the Philippines, an American expatriate’s struggle to survive is complicated by his wife’s chilling silence to the ransom note and an outrageous new demand from his captors.

Purchase from:

Available in UK from
Print £9.66  or e-book £2.99

and in the US from
Print  $13.49 or e-book $4.99

More information:

Author’s blog

And the Whippoorwill Sang by Micki Peluso

Happy time, a sunny day, a driving drunk, eight lives forever changed.

Micki and Butch face the horror every parent fears – awaiting the fate of one of their children. While sitting vigil in the ICU waiting room, Micki traverses the past, as a way of dealing with an inconceivable future.

From the bizarre teenage elopement with her high school sweetheart, Butch, in a double wedding with her own mother, to comical family trips across country in an antiquated camper with six kids and a dog, they leave a path of chaos, antics and destruction in their wake. Micki shows the happy times of raising six children while living in a haunted house as the young parents grow up with their kids. She bravely attempts to be the man of the house while her husband is working out of town. Hearing strange noises, which all the younger kids are sure is the ghosts, Micki tiptoes down to the cellar, shotgun in hand and nearly shoots… an Idaho potato that has fallen from the pantry and thumped down the stairs. The rest of her children feel obligated to tell the world. Just when their lives are nearly perfect, tragedy strikes–and the laughter dies.

There is a terrible accident in the placid valley nestled within the Susquehanna Mountains in the town of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. It occurs on a country lane just blocks from the family’s hundred year old haunted farmhouse. Micki , in a state of shock, muses through their delightful past to avoid confronting an uncertain future – as the family copes with fear and apprehension.

One of her six children is fighting for life in the hospital; in a semi-coma, hovering between this world and the next. Both parents are pressured by doctors to disconnect Noelle, their fourteen-year-old daughter. Her beautiful girl, funny and bright, who breathes life into every moment, does cartwheels in piles of Autumn leaves, singing and dancing down country roads – loves her family with all her soul. How can Micki let this child go? The family embarks upon its unbearable journey to the other side of sorrow and grasps the poignant gift of life as they begin… to weep… to laugh… to grieve… to dance  – and forgive.

Purchase from:

Kindle $3.99
Paperback from $11.00-$13.00
autographed copy available by mail: $14.95

More information:

Author’s blog