Book Passion

By Shawnaschuh

Image by Sharon Drummond via Flickr

There is a bookstore in Lincoln City, Oregon – not really a book store – more like a book haven, a book warehouse, and a book shrine –

It’s called Robert’s Books – it sits on Hwy 101 in Lincoln City and its packed – literally jam-packed with books.

I only discovered this store/warehouse/oddity – the last time I was in Lincoln City – and now I can’t imagine going to Lincoln City and not stopping there.

The place is not visually nice – you have to look or you’ll miss it on Hwy 101– it’s not fancy and it’s old and musty and huge – and it’s FILLED with books. Not only stacks and stacks of books, Robert has moved the overflow books into the aisle, the doorways, the arches – and everywhere

The first time I visited Robert’s book store – I pulled up a stool – or chair, or stack – to sit on – which is not only provided – it’s encouraged – to read, and marvel and pull out what I wanted. The stack of books I selected grew large and I was moving quickly since I was with someone else.

This time I was alone – and Robert was there and from our short exchange he taught me something important I want to share with you.

When I took my selections to the counter and he gazed at each to put into the computer/register, he acknowledged and admired it – he stopped for a moment at each title and said, “Oh, look at this – how wonderful.”

I got the impression that he was discovering each book again and in a fresh way as he went through my stack at the register.

I felt delighted, excited and happy that I was taking home books he liked, he had selected and that were a part of this treasure trove.

The amount I spent was considerable – and these were all “used” books. And I couldn’t be happier, more satisfied and excited.

What great additions to my library, what wonderful selections to read, pore over and enjoy.

In thinking back over my visit to Robert’s bookshop – I decided that I had witnessed someone in their prime, their sweet spot, and their passionate purpose. Robert loves books and he loves sharing his books with others.

He delights in the treasures that his customers find and as he rings each one up he rediscovers it himself. I shared in his delight, I shared in his passion, I marveled at his inventory – the place is brimming with books in each aisle and nook or cranny –

And when I left with my big bag of books I knew I had experienced something wonderful, something magical, something unusual – a person living his passion and allowing others to enjoy it too.

What about you? Are you living your passion? If so do people feel it, experience it and live it with you? How can you make that happen more today?

Remember, you create your day by the way you think. Make it magnificent!

Blessings, Shawna