Book Chat: Rainbow Book Spines

By Pocketfulofbooks @PocketfulofBooks

Rainbow Book Spines

This tag was created by Youtube Channel ArrictineReads. The idea is very simple: find some books that make up the colours of the window: red, orange, yellow (and) green, blue and indigo and violet. My Rainbow Book Spines:


I chose The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm. It is a beautiful, gold-embossed, cloth-bound red edition and I adore it.

I chose two orange books because they seemed too thin on their own! I chose The Passion of New Eve by Angela Carter and American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang; both brilliant books. American Born Chinese is a graphic novel that I highly recommend.


I chose The Casual Vacancy by J.K Rowling. It is the loveliest, brightest yellow and looks amazing on a bookcase sadly lacking in yellow!

I chose my beautiful Folio Society edition of Brideshead Revisited which is an amazing green! Why aren't more books green?! Too much black and white on my bookcase.

Eee look at that sky-blue Delirium by Lauren Oliver; I still have to read this book but it is a gorgeous hardcover and I likes me the sound of it.

I chose my Barnes and Noble Leather-bound edition of Alice in Wonderland; so pretttyyy!

I actually had no violet books- it was crazy! I had to go with my Barnes and Noble Leather-Bound Wuthering Heights which wasn't quite but looks passable!

There are my rainbow book spines- I wish I could order my entire bookcase like that!