Book Blast - Marrow by Preston Norton

By Mariagrazia @SMaryG
Marrow by Preston Norton 
Marrow is a fourteen-year-old prodigy at FIST (Fantom Institute for Superheroes-in-Training). With a perfect score on his finals, the ability to smash through walls, and leaps that can launch him over a city block, the Sidekick Internship Program is bound to place him with a top-notch superhero mentor for the summer. But when a series of disastrous events lands Marrow on academic probation, he is forced to team up with Flex--a drunk, hippie, bum with the power of elasticity. The two Supers' powers and personalities clash as they are forced to overcome their differences to prevent the return of Cosmo City's most notorious foe, a supervillain so powerful, no one will survive the cataclysm he is sure to unleash.
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  Praise for Marrow
"If you can't get enough of superhero and comic book movies, read Marrow now! It's like stuffing an action movie into your head. The twists will surprise you." -- Adam Glendon Sidwell, Bestselling Author of CHUM and EVERTASTER. •
 "Fans of comics, superheroes, and stories with twist after twist will love Marrow. It's filled with nods and homages to classic heroes, yet still manages to put a unique stamp on the genre." -- Jacob Gowans, Bestselling Author of the PSION BETA Series.   
 Read an Excerpt
 Having super powers isn’t always as super as it sounds. Actually . . . that’s a lie. It’s pretty much awesome. It was the last day of Finals at FIST (Fantom Institute for Superheroes-in-Training). There were exactly ten of us who had qualified for the Sidekick Internship Program. All fourteen years old. All dangerous in our own unique ways. Based on our scores and overall performance, we would be evaluated and paired up with Superheroes who would serve as our mentors for the summer. With top-notch scores, I could be teamed up with a hero like Nova. Or Apex. Or the most legendary hero of them all . . . Fantom, himself. Fantom wasn’t just the founder of FIST. And he wasn’t just a Superhero either. The guy was an icon. A symbol of hope. He was the fastest, strongest, smartest, insert-whatever-awesome-adjective-you-can-think-of-est hero of them all. And the guy had style. Oh man, did he have style. Legend had it that Fantom was the first of the Supers—merely a kid out on a boat with his parents when the Gaia Comet struck. (It was the foreign radioactive energy of Gaia that gave birth to the Supers.) The comet made impact right where they were sailing, killing Fantom’s parents instantly. However, fate or pure luck allowed Fantom to emerge unscathed, and he was reborn with power unparalleled by any other Super. Fantom was going to be my mentor. I had already decided that.   
Want a FREE Kindle version of the book? 
Marrow is now available in select Costcos throughout Utah, Idaho & Arizona. On your next trip, grab a copy! AND if you take a picture with the book and tag @FutureHousePub and @Costco on Twitter we’ll gift you a free Kindle version of the book!   
Author Preston Norton Preston Norton is a lover of the English language, a connoisseur of the written word, a crafter of worlds, a creator (and killer) of characters, a drinker of caffeine, a freak for scary movies, a kisser of his super hot fiancée, Erin, and an overall decent human being who really likes hamburgers. Also, he kinda digs books.
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Book Blast Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash or $50 Costco Gift Card
 Ends 7/30/15 
  Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author.
  a Rafflecopter giveaway