Book and a Brew Unboxing

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

As part of my birthday present my sister got me a Book and Brew subscription. I found out about Book and a Brew through instagram, and have wanted to try it for a while, just was being stingy (which is a bit silly because it’s not like £15 once is unaffordable to try out!) It seems like a good idea for a box, a hardback book and a tea which is meant to ‘match’ the book, plus they try to send lesser known books. And you get exciting post, I love post- especially when it isn’t the hospital letters which usually make up my post!

My first box contained the novel ‘Etta and Otto and Russell and James‘ which seems to be one of those finding life at the end of life novels which have been quite popular lately. It might not have been one I would pick myself, but it does look good, and I like that a box may bring you books you might not otherwise read. You can read the whole blurb in the pictures.

My first tea was a ginger tea from oteas. I’ve had ginger teas before, I tend to have them when I have a cold or sore throat, with a spoonful of honey, this one I tried on it’s own to start with. I’ve had a couple of them now, and they do well on their own. As far as ginger teas I’ve tried go this one is pretty delicate, it doesn’t have the heat I would expect from a ginger tea, and I found to get a decent flavor I had to brew it for quite a long time (the box suggests 5-10 minutes, but I think it would have been good for longer). It was sweeter as well, so it didn’t need the honey, and made a nicer everyday tea.