Bon Marché #BMBlogger Swap

By Catty212
I was recently asked if I'd like to take part in a challenge with Bon Marché. Bloggers had to secretly choose an outfit for another blogger, with the only inspiration being from their blog and social media. A bit of a scary challenge for both parties!

My outfit was picked by the lovely Lauren who writes Belle Du Brighton blog. I think Lauren may have actually been rummaging through my wardrobe as she got my outfit just right and picked three beautiful staple wardrobe items. I'm not comfortable in skin tight clothes and tend to go for loose fit designs which don't cling to my 'extra bits'. I'm usually found in jeans, a simple top and some form of jacket or cardigan. The Ann Harvey cream top has a jersey layer underneath which is covered by a light and floaty top layer which is flattering and forgiving for those of use with curves in all the wrong places. It's lovely and cool to wear, and although it has longer sleeves its thin enough to wear during the warmer months. The top washes well and if you hang it up when it's still slightly damp it doesn't crease so there's no need to iron. I've worn and washed it numerous times since it arrived and it still looks brand new. Lauren also picked out this great patterned pinstripe blazer. It's a complete bargain at only £22.50 and the quality is great. It's machine washable and dries perfectly well in the tumbledryer on a low het setting. I love how well it goes with jeans, it's my new favorite wardrobe basic. The final addition to the outfit Lauren picked for me was this beautiful butterfly bead bracelet. I love the shades of blue and green, especially on a sunny day as they really stand out.I love the outfit I was sent and it's also encouraged me to add Bon Marché to my list of go to shops for wardrobe updates. Thanks to Bon Marché for inviting me to take part in the challenge and to Lauren for my lovely new outfit.