Bombarded with Color!

By Kate_miller

Flowering Almonds

 Isn't she a stunner? Flowering Almonds are so delightful. As I look around the homestead, I wish I'd planted a dozen more...
 On a cold spring, it could be June before perennials flower this high up in the mountains. While plants are greening up, trees and shrubs take center stage.


 They're going nuts this year ~ because of our plentiful rains.

Golden Currants

 I have not ~ as yet ~ turned on the sprinklers. And, that's a whole month later than normal.

Sweet Honeysuckles

 In the beginning, I was hoping for fruit, but I was sorely disappointed. Fruit trees don't produce much of a harvest at this altitude. 

Flowering Plums

What scraggly fruit they do produce is a fancy feast for the songbirds.


But, who cares? They're gorgeous!

Early Lilacs

Everywhere I look I'm bombarded with color. And, this is only half of them! I've got a batch of later bloomers waiting in the wings... :)
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