It's time to queue to get tickets for the last Boheme of the season.
The sale starts on Thursday, July 26 at 9am (GMT+1) on the website of La Scala. Expect long queue but you'll all make it, for sure. There are many options. Angela Gheorghiu is scheduled to perform on September 26, October 1, 4 and 8. Happy to see that Fabio Capitanucci will be Marcello. Really liked his voice in Les Troyens (Chorèbe) at Royal Opera House.
One Mimi, two Rodolfos. I have already chosen the date to go. Hope to be lucky and get the ticket.
One piece of advice....try to avoid the sides of the venue, boxes or galleries. You won't see a thing! Add something to the budget and get a central seat. The seating plan and and galleries visualization on the website of La Scala are very useful.
. Ready, steady... happy shopping!