Bodega Bay, Home to Hitchcock Movie "The Birds"

By Juliemagerssoulen
On a recent trip to California we visited the northern coastal town of Bodega Bay. It was not until we arrived that I realized it was the home of Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds." I remember watching that scary movie as a kid, and with that in mind, I set about recording the sights of this sleepy little coastal town. Now how on earth did Hitchcock manage to scare us with this tranquil setting?

The old schoolhouse used in Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds." Bodega Bay, California

Ellen Orr's Grave
Ellen Orr's grave is located at St. Teresa of Avila Church, Bodega, California.
God's House
An architectural photo of a white clapboard Christian church with rays of light shining down from a cloud filled sky. St. Teresa of Avila Church, Bodega, California
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Church Door
An architectural photo of a beautiful wooden Christian church door. St. Teresa of Avila Church, Bodega, California
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