#bob: Sophie Jorissen

By Lesassorties @LesAssorties

Blog: radishtowear.com
Who: Sophie Jorissen
Where: Amsterdam
Age: 23
Blogging Since: 2014

What inspired you to start your own blog?

At first, I just wanted a platform as a creative outlet because I love writing and photography. I started out posting recipes, mostly for friends, family, and myself, but after a while I figured there were a lot more people reading along. Then I thought of what I love, and I decided I really wanted to show my love for fashion (my number one passion). I started doing that a few months ago, and although sometimes I still post recipes, my key focus is now on fashion and lifestyle.

How important is the name of the blog?

It is very important! If your blog is a success, you’re stuck with the name forever. So I would recommend finding a name that suits you and taking some time to think about it. Ask other people what they think of it before putting it online. I decided to name my blog “Radish to Wear”� because it sounds like “ready to wear.”� It’s the perfect mix of food and fashion all in one.

How difficult is it to find a blog niche?

I would suggest you should always just blog about what you like and love. If it’s fashion, just write about fashion. It is, however, very important to show your personal style, and let your readers sort of become your “online”� friends. I’m also very new to the blogging business, so I’m still looking to find my exact niche, but I really think that it is something that has to grow with time.

What is the best way to promote and grow your blog?

I think social media are very important. When you gain more followers, your blog gets more views and becomes bigger and bigger. To me, Instagram is the most important platform to stay connected with everyone, and it is growing so fast! I’m so happy with all the support and I’m so excited about the future. At the moment, I’m also really trying to grow other platforms like Facebook and Twiter, because they are the best for sharing links to the latest blog posts. Also I’m a newbie Snapchatter! I like how personal it is. To make the story short I think it is all about reaching your audience on the right platforms, and stay up-to-date about what’s new and happening.

What is your main audience and how did you reach out to them?

My main audience includes people who love style, fashion and enjoy life. I really want to inspire them with daily looks, tips, tricks and recipes. I try to reach them by responding on their comments on my blog posts, but also via social media such as Instagram.

How important is it for your business to attend fashion week?

Since I’m still a quite new blogger, the only fashion week I attended was Amsterdam Fashion Week, but that one isn’t anything like Paris, New York and Milan. So, I would love, LOVE, to attend those! I also believe it is something important to do because you get to meet a lot of interesting people, and it provides you with inspiration.

What are the best tips for building long-term relationships and partnerships with brands?

When I collaborate with brands, I really don’t want to disappoint them in any way, so I always work hard to make sure they are really happy with my work. Also, I usually go to press days from PR companies in Amsterdam just to see what the new collections are all about, show my interest, and have some coffee.

What is the biggest challenge about running a blog?

Finding the time! If I would do this full time, it would be so much easier, but the thing is I am still at school getting my Masters degree, which takes also a lot of work.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to start a blog today?

Don’t overthink it; just start out small, and do what you love. In time, you’ll learn more, and your blog will get better and better. Also, take time to write a post and make sure it has no spelling errors, or take a bit more time to take the right picture. Quality is king; don’t ever just post, because you think you have to today. There is always tomorrow.

What are your ultimate plans for your blog/blogging career?

This girl has big dreams! I would love to be able to work on my blog full time, and take my readers all over the world to show them true editorial pictures taken in gorgeous places.

Images © Radish to Wear