Blythe Danner Slapped At Maureen Dowd For Implying That Goopy Paltrow Was Compliant With Harvey Weinstein

Posted on the 19 October 2017 by Sumithardia

Blythe Danner Slapped At Maureen Dowd For Implying That Goopy Paltrow Was Compliant With Harvey Weinstein

There’s nothing I love more than when Hollywood takes the quill out of its ass and starts a round of infighting through the written word (see The Open Letter Battle of Sinead O’Connor and Miley Cyrus of 2013). The whole Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal has now led to an op-ed war, courtesy of Maureen Dowd

Maureen used her column in The New York Times to basically say that sexual harassment is going on everywhere and questioned if this is the rampant sexual harassment scandal that finally brings about change. Maureen wrote that everyone needs to stop being complacent. Maureen applauded Angelina Jolie for refusing to work with Harvey after he harassed her, but tsk tsk tsk’d Goopy Paltrow for continuing to work with him after he harassed her.

“Some who were importuned or pawed, like Angelina Jolie, stalked away and told studio executives that she would never work with the pestilent mogul. Others whom Weinstein asked to give him a massage in his hotel suite refused but continued to collaborate, like Gwyneth Paltrow, who put aside qualms to become ‘the first lady of Miramax.’”

Hoooo, lawd. I can hear the shitting upon crisp, Egyptian 1000-thread-count linens from afar! Maureen went even further by reminding folks what Gwyneth told the late David Carr about Harvey back in 2001:

“I think that for every bad story you hear about Harvey, there are three great ones. People are complicated, and nobody’s all good or all bad.”

Now, to be fair, Gwyneth has distanced herself from Harvey. She spoke up about how she rebuffed his advances back in the day and reported the whole thing to her agent and then-boyfriend Brad Pitt, who told Harvey to cut the shit. Harvey still threatened her, but I guess that didn’t ruin her shot at first lady-dom. Gwyneth hasn’t responded to Maureen, but, like all good mafia bosses, she sent someone else to handle it: Mama Blythe Danner. Blythe penned an op-ed in today’s NYT:

“I cannot remain silent while Maureen Dowd disparages my daughter, Gwyneth Paltrow…Gwyneth did not “put aside her qualms to become ‘the first lady of Miramax’ ” back then, as Ms. Dowd would have it. She continued to hold her own and insist that Mr. Weinstein treat her with respect.”

Blythe basically says her late husband Bruce Paltrow taught his daughter to stand up for herself and that they all are glad to see Harvey finally get his. Blythe went on to write:

I suggest that the pundits stop casting aspersions on the women who have confronted unwanted sexual advances in the manner each sees fit and concentrate on the constructive ways to prevent this behavior in the future.

I may be reading between the lines here, but it seems like Blythe is implying Taylor Swift’s favorite Amy Poehler/Tina Fey jab in that women need to help each other out and stop blaming other women for causing this shit storm – otherwise there’s some great real estate waiting for them next to Beelzebub!


Source: Blythe Danner Slapped At Maureen Dowd For Implying That Goopy Paltrow Was Compliant With Harvey Weinstein

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