Blush & Electric Blue

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Time and again i have 'fessed up to being a prude. It is not that I am proud of ashamed of the fact. It is just I am who I am. Watchya gonna do. Right? Well, pretty early-on in my marriage I discovered that I am also a haughty about ill-intended-married-couple-jokes. Y'know where the wife is always nagging and the husband is always the poor soul? Or where the husband is always dominating and the wife is the अबला नारी(poor soul). Yeh! They never went down too well with me. At one point I even started doubting my sense of humor. I never really found out whether it was me or the world, but I knew women around me thoroughly (friends and family both) enjoyed those jokes.  Anyhoo, I recently read the following joke and actually laughed.out.loud. Like LOL but fo-real! I was shocked. It is one of those rare "marriage jokes" that I have found funny. My husband tells me it is an old joke, but I just heard it few weeks back. Nonetheless my prudery and sense-of-humor is still up for debate.  ___________
A wife woke up in the middle of the night to find her husband missing from the bed. She got up and checked around the house. She heard sobbing the basement.
After turning on the light and descending the stairs, she found her husband curled up into a little ball, sobbing. 
She asked, "Honey, what's wrong?" worried about what could hurt him so much. He answered: "Remember 20 years ago I got you pregnant and your father threatened to send me to jail for 20 years if I didn't marry you?"
She replied: "Yes, of course!" He then said, "Well I would have been released today."
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