Blueberry Rose (cubed) Ice Tea.

By Nonibaumann

It´s late summer ! So still some warm and pretty days ahead !That also means in our region it`s blueberrie time.
So if you also have some fresh picked blueberries (or bought ones anyway:),I highly recommend to try some blueberrie ice tea.
In my case I combined it with rose-tea ... which is such a perfect mix !

So here is how I made mine:
Simmer 2 cups blueberries, 1 cup water, with 5 heaping teaspoons of brown sugar until a good amount of blueberrie syrup is produced.Afterwards pour it through a sieve into already with hot water filled teapot.Then add around 3 tea bags of  your choice to the mix.Best suitable sorts are Rooibos and Black Tea.Let it rest and cool down.

Meanwhile you can prepare the rose water ice cubes.
Fill a tea pot with hot water and add some dry or fresh picked rose leaves.(around 2-3 heaped teaspoons), let it rest and cool downand fill it afterwards altogether with the rose leaves (which are by the way 
delicious, edible flowers) into the ice cube moldand add some fresh berries. Let it freeze and enjoy it altogetherwith the Blueberry Ice tea.

So good,   have fun enjoying the late summer days !