Blueberry Muffin CUPCAKE! HolyI’mInHeavenNow!

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Oh my goodness guys! Do I have the best HOLY MOLY IT’S FRIDAY and I’M HAPPY treat to show you.

But before we get to that… It’s BBQ Day.

Did you eat BBQ today?

I hope you did.

I had the brisket sandwich with potato salad.

all that muffiny-cupcakey joy!


After BBQ on Fridays all of us trek over to Peninsula Bakery for cookies. How can you have BBQ without a cookie to wash it all down with?

Well today our bakery was cleaned out of cookies. So we improvised… cupcake style.

We went to A Piece of Cake, our local cupcakery. I instantly had my eye on this blueberry cupcake.

I didn’t know what to expect… would it be like a vanilla cake with blueberries?

No! It was a blueberry muffin. A blueberry muffin with whipped cream on top (in frosting disguise of course.

I swear… no joke… this is the best cupcake I’ve ever had!

It was light and refreshing. Perfect after BBQ dessert.

My birthday is on Tuesday and I might have to recreate them… with candles on top, duh.

Tell me about you!!! I want to know…

What is the best cupcake you’ve ever had?


What is your favorite cupcakery?

I don’t have one… yet.

Have you ever had a bacon-chocolate cupcake?

No! It seriously freaks me out.