Blueberry Mint Lemonade

By Kena @campchic

Listen up! If you have any blueberries laying around….don’t throw them out. I repeat, don’t throw them out! I just made some sweet, tart, lip-macking, and refreshing blueberry mint lemonade. It’s delicious! This recipe requires you to make a blueberry syrup. Don’t panic, it’s simple and I’m here to guide you. Let’s get into it………

Blueberry and Mint Lemonade


2 cups fresh blueberries (fresh, not frozen)

1/2 cup  mint leaves, coarsely chopped (you may add more mint leaves if you like it minty)

1 1/2 cups fresh lemon juice

1 1/2 cup granulated sugar (you can add more if needed)

5 to 6 cups of water

In a blender add blueberries and 1/2 cup of water. Blend until smooth. Pour mixture into a fine mesh strainer placed over a medium bowl.  Use a spatula to press the liquid through the strainer leaving the blueberry pulp in the strainer.  Discard the pulp.

Place a sauce pan on the stove top on medium to low heat, pour blueberry mixture into the pan and add sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Continue to stir while mixture is in the sauce pan (do not leave the stove, we’re making a blueberry syrup). Syrup is a tricky little devil, it doesn’t like to be left unattended. Once you see a deep purple color and syrup consistency, remove from the stove.

Pour your fresh lemon juice in a bowl and add mint. Using a spoon or mash in your mint into your lemon juice. You’re trying to fuse the two flavors. I actually use my mortar and pestle and it works perfectly.

In a larger pitcher combine, fresh lemon-mint juice, blueberry syrup, and water. Mix together. Add a few extra mint leaves if desired.  Served chilled.

Now, pour yourself glass, head to your pourch, kick your feet up and relax. If you don’t have a porch, well then stand