Blueberry Meringue Cupcakes

By Thefoodiecoupleblog

Everyone loves a good cupcake right? Well in an effort to make cupcakes healthy these have blueberries in them! Who I’m kidding, they’re just as unhealthy as ever. A few blueberries int he sponge gives a lovely tangy twist with the optional extra of sweet blueberry jam and then the meringue in the icing makes these like a blueberry twist on an Eton Mess! If you’re partial to a blueberry muffin then try this indulgent alternative!


For the sponge:

  • 80g unsalted butter
  • 280g caster sugar
  • 240g plain flour
  • 240ml whole milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1tbsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • about 30 blueberries

For the buttercream and filling:

  • 500g icing sugar
  • 160g unsalted butter
  • 50ml milk
  • crushed meringue – 20g or 2 medium sized supermarket bought nests
  • 1 tsp Dr Oetker gel purple food colouring
  • blueberry jam


  1. Whisk the butter, caster sugar, flour, salt and baking powder together until thoroughly mixed
  2. In a separate bowl add the milk and whisk in the eggs
  3. Slowly add the milk mixture  to the other mixture whisking all the time until it becomes a smooth batter
  4. Line a muffin tin with cases and distribute the batter into them – filling each about 1/2-2/3 full. Pop 1-2 blueberries in each cake case.
  5. Put in the oven at 190 degrees celsius and bake for about 18mins or until springy to touch and a skewer comes out clean.
  6. Transfer to a wire rack to cool whilst making the frosting
  7. For the frosting mix the icing sugar with the butter until completely mixed in.
  8. Beat in the milk and meringue until light and fluffy.
  9. Add in the colouring and mix until the color is even.
  10. Ice the cakes when completely cool, either with a piping bag or palette knife

Extra Step! If you’re feeling adventurous, before you ice the cakes, with a knife or cutter, hollow out about a 1cm wide hole in the middle of each cupcake, fill with blueberry jam and then recover with sponge and proceed with the icing!

Happy eating :)

If you’re looking for some other fruity cupcake to try have a look at some of these recipes:

Cherry Cheesecake Cupcakes by The Veg Space

Coconut Cupcakes with Raspberry Apple Syrup from Family Friends Food

Blackberry & Apple Cupcakes from Tin and Thyme