Blue Valentine in the 11th: Another Japanese Chef Cooking Very Zen, Too Zen, Food for My Guests.

By Johntalbott

5.5 Blue Valentine, 13, rue de la Pierre Levee in the 11th,, closed Mondays and Tuesdays and brunch on weekends, (Metro and bus: you're on your own; walk, it's good for you) has been open since mid-November and gotten rave comments, especially regarding its charming owners/servers, its "hot" cocktail scene and Mandarin Oriental-trained chef Saito Terumitsu.  I entered a few seconds before my two invitees from the 15th and scoped out the menu and 6-choice wine carte.  My male friend took one look at the lunch "menu" and said "Not for me," and the about the 6 wine selections by the glass, 50 cl and liter but no 75 cl bottles "any more" - remarked to me "52 E for a liter out of a box, come on."  But charming polyglot that he is, he charmed our hostess into charmingly letting us taste the three reds on offer.

So here's how it went:
- Madame had the mijote of vegetables appropriate for the season with a Maltaise (orange added to a Hollandaise) sauce that I thought was Zen, tasty and perfect; they demured.
- Monsieur and I had shaved seiche and beet roots surrounded by squid ink that he thought was tasteless and boring and I considered Zen, tasty and perfect. (no picture, sorry)
- Next he had the sliced rare onglet (of beef of course) with a salad and "Japanese" sauce that I think we all agreed was "Zen, tasty and perfect".
- And Madame and I had crisp battered rollatines of rabbit with carrots that they considered too refined but I again thought was "Zen, tasty and perfect."
- Finally we all shared a vacherin with raspberry sauce that none of us deemed "Zen, tasty and perfect.

Our bill with a liter and glass of wine, no bottled water, surprisingly nice looking but nul-tasting bread and one coffee, was 156.50 E; thus 104.33 E a couple.

Go?  I rarely disagree with my friends' palates but this time we were on different sides of the street and like Presidents Lincoln and (FD) Roosevelt and Judge John Hodgman, I rule me right.  Yes, go, but not on a day when 16 very nice, upper-middle-class women are having their monthly lunch - dB level 89.1 = vacuum cleaner.

Oh, BTW, the name, Blue Valentine - one web-commentator thought it was named after Tom Waits' song but take a look at the wall posters and tell me it's not the film.  PS We forgot to ask.