Blue On Blue

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

top c/o frank & eileen  // denim c/o // denim jacket c/o // wedges c/o // sunnies // clutch

Totally honest, sometimes when I am in a hurry and getting dressed, I don’t really feel like thinking out my outfit. Either I am not in the mood or I am feeling really uninspired and not cute (can anyone relate?).

This particular afternoon, I was feeling blue (not sad, the color) and since clearly this shade is one of my all time favorite colors, I grabbed my go-to pair of skinny jeans, a favorite Frank & Eileen blouse and my new espadrille platforms.

This blue favored look was perfect for afternoon coffee with a friend, followed by a casual dinner with the husband. While you may feel weird wearing all blue and even wearing denim on denim if you get the right shades of blue it really works. Casual chic? Canadian Tuxedo? Blue on Blue? Shades of Blue? However you want to refer to this look is totally up to you but it’s defiantly going to be one that will be repeated for me!

Get the Look

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images by sukilynn