Blue Hour at the Louvre

By Edithlevy

Wow it’s been over 2 weeks since I’ve blogged and I think that’s the longest I’ve gone since I started this blog 3 years ago. It’s actually been a really nice break and I’ve had good reason as I was traveling through Europe, Paris and Italy to be precise.

I was uploading regularly to my Facebook page during my travels so if you’d like to catch up and see some of this on-the-go iPhone images you can click here.

While the trip was amazing I returned home to find that I had a flood in my basement :( I’ll leave that story for another time but needless to say I didn’t even get a chance to download any of my images until last night. With over 2000 images to sort through, cull and process it may take me some time especially since my office and Mac is located in the basement.

We spent the first two days of our journey in Paris. It truly is the city of lights and what better image to kick things of with then the Louvre at blue hour. This was taken on our first night in Paris. Having flown from Toronto to Paris on an overnight flight I was walking around with very little sleep. Sunset that night was at 9:57pm so at that point I was almost at the 48 hour mark with only about 2 hours of sleep but I was in Paris and I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. The real hero in all of this was my husband who was quietly dozing on a bench at this point.

Click on the image to enlarge (it really does look better) or to Purchase a Print.