Blue Collar Roundup – Tshirts Edition

By Bluecollarworkman @TB_BlueCollar

Well dudes, it’s another long roundup. And I blame you all for that. If you’d stop posting good stuff, I’d stop wanting to round it up. Next time I’ll try picking my favorite 5 posts and limiting it to that.

In the meantime, enjoy pictures of my favorite t-shirts.


Financial Samurai wrote this bit on Yakezie awhile back about guest posting and how it can ruin your blog. I’m kinda guilty of that I think. Sorry, dudes. It’s neat when your ranking goes up and people starting coming out of the woodwork looking to post on your site. I’ve been working really hard at my new day job recently, so it seemed like a win-win (blog posts + almost no time input from me so I can keep making my day job paycheck + offers of money!). Except that they don’t all fit my theme mojo here. I guess that’s a thing we all gotta go through – figuring out how to handle becoming famous.

You know what kinda guest posts I do want more of you to give me? Interactions you have with blue collar dudes. Fixing your car, renovating your house, and stuff like that. You don’t have to be blue collar to write a guest post about blue collar dudes!

Financial Uproar put Finance Fox under some fire recently for plagiarism. What do you think? True or false claims? I like to give people second chances since second chances is what got me a job and a house, instead of spending my life in and out of jail. Would you dudes give him a second chance if he started to fly right? Or have there been too many offenses? Or is it all BS?

Money Money Money Money Money

Don’t know much about Ben Bernanke? Yeah, me neither. Funancials makes learning a little about him funny. Which is hard to do.  Respect to you, man.

How expensive are stupid friends? 101 Centavos says that they can be quite expensive.

Who doesn’t like Punch Debt in the Face’s graphics? Nobody, of course. He’s got a whole bunch of his graphics now showing what makes him cringe.

Okay, so you’re cool enough that you got this cool offer about joining this small business. You must be hittin’ it big, right?! Well, maybe. Man, you gotta be careful out there. This post at Modest Money gives 4 easy little things that you should do before saying “yes” to some company and sending them money or your time.

Best job for college students? I’ll keep in mind what Planting Our Pennies says once my girls get to college age.

My Alternate Life says that even if you have to borrow money, you can save! What the hell am I talking about? Click here and find out.

I like easy things, you like easy things, now head over to Frugal Rules and learn about easy ways to save money. It’s easy, I promise.

The Simple Dollar has some simple dollar advice on how to teach kids to shop around. Make sure of course, dudes, that you shop around too.

If you want to start a small business but don’t know what business to start, Good Financial Cents can set you on the right road.

What is collateral mortgage? What does it mean? I just stumbled onto this Stumble Forward for the first time, and he answers the question about what the heck collateral mortgage is and if it’s a scam.

If you don’t know who you owe money to, then you’re screwed. To unscrew yourself, check out Ready for Zero and see how you can figure it out.

Personal Stuff

Everyone is talking about this Yahoo Mayer lady not allowing people to work from home anymore. But that’s not all that Financial Samurai talks about in this post. He talks about not getting taken advantage of by your employer. You should read this. Because c’mon dudes, who wants to be taken advantage of by their boss?

A better life starts with a better fricken attitude. So check your attitude at the door (my oldest hates when we say that to her) and Prairie Eco Thrifter will give you the info.

So you want a new job? Cool. But are you ready for the interview? I didn’t think so. Add Vodka will give you the lowdown on not screwing up the interview royally.

Did you always comment on blogs? Or did you start out as a lurker? I was a lurker for awhile, trying to get a handle on the blog scene. Plowing Through Life was also a lurker for awhile.

So Over This has a blog post that isn’t really a blog post. Now I got you interested, right? Yeah, I thought so.

Remember that McDonalds hot coffee court case? Not only does Edward Antrobus have details to fill in on that case that I didn’t know, making me think that maybe McDonalds was in the wrong, but he talks about liberals, conservatives, and personal responsibility. His post will make you think. Do you wanna be a thinker today, man? Then head over.

Awesome Radical Bloggers

Funny About Money: Why Watch Television

Frugal Habits: 5th Edition

Financial Ramblings: One of Those Weeks Edition

Fearless Men: Roundup 31

Funny About Money: Count Our Blessings With a Grain of Salt