Blue Collar Roundup — Alternative Modes of Transportation Edition

By Bluecollarworkman @TB_BlueCollar

Welcome to the Monday after Thanksgiving. Tired of driving a car? Check out these photos of alternative modes of transportation!

Segway. Just don’t go off a cliff.

Total Awesomeness

This is awesome. Fearless Men had a post that included a quote I didn’t understand. My dumbness sparked a post of theirs explaining that quote better. Want to learn about humility? It’s an awesome post, rock on dudes, rock on.

This is pretty cool, too. Funny About Money mentioned me a couple times in this post about shoring up your home’s defenses. Pretty awesome.

Being an Awesome Dude (or Dudette)

Miranda at Good Financial Cents asks if you really want to be the average American. Do you? Are you sure?

If you’ve become a Cinderellephant slowly over time, perhaps getting back to Cindergazella will take slow time. What do you think? See what 101 Centavos thinks.

Frugal Portland just turned 31 – go say happy birthday and check out her life philosophy.

Lincoln had balls. Let James at ManDurance tell you the story.

Nice guys finish last. If you believe that, then let Anthony at Joyful Self Manager tell you why you’re being a dumba*s.


Rafting. Apparently you can try it on dry land.

The Fiscal Cliff. Yeah, I don’t know what it is either. Good thing Financial Samurai‘s got our back explaining the situation.

The Frugal Path has a post about saving when you don’t have the money to. What do you do? How do you handle that?

Fabulously Broke in the City probably has the best Christmas gift advice.

Money Smart Guides talks about tipping. Is it out of control? I think people should be paid fairly so that there’s no worrying about tipping at all!

Paying interest should be avoided at all costs. Right? WRONG! Shocked? Don’t be, keep an open mind and read what Kevin at Thousandaire has to say.

What do you know about hair donation? Or forgetting that, maybe you just want to sell your hair. Do you know how much you can get? More than I thought. More than Planting Our Pennies thought too. Sorta makes me want to make my daughters grow their hair long so I can sell it, lol.

Thinking about how awesome lower insurance rates would be? Edward Antrobus has been. See what he’s come up with.

Sam from Financial Samurai did a guest post on Untemplater about the hard lessons of building wealth. Would you like to build wealth? Come learn about it.

Convertible schoolbus anyone?

Other Coolness

Funancials talks politics. I know the election is over, but let’s talk about how people handle politics and how you could handle it better next time around.

Modest Money posted on getting a security system in your place. That’s pretty good timing — you should read that post along with mine on protecting your car – between the two of us, we’ve got all your security needs met!

The best rant I’ve read in a long time from Mr. Money Mustache. If this doesn’t convince you of a big problem, I don’t know what will.

Blue Pelican Loans had a story about gang violence on a family that got out of the gang.

These awesome people put me in roundups on their site:

Walking. Boring but effective.

Frugal Habits A Video to Bring in November Edition

Fearless Men Roundup 13

Funny About Money –Busy Days Upcoming

Reach Financial Independence – Friday Recap 7

Modest Money – November 10th Favorite Blog Posts

101 Centavos Wednesday Morning Fish Wrap Speed of Crime

Fearless Men –Weekly Roundup 15

Blue Pelican Loans –Blog Thank You

Work Save Live – Personal Finance Week in Review 38

Biking. Less boring than walking.

Financials Ramblings – Cost of Charging an Iphone Edition Timeless Finance – Sunday Reader

Did you put me in a roundup of yours and I missed it? Don’t fret. Don’t frown. Just leave me a comment, send an email, or send a tweet and let me know, so I don’t screw over your good intentions again.