Blue, Blue, Emerald City

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz

#SECONDHANDFIRST: Weathering life in a vintage sundress and Seattle showers

I'm calling this dress, the Dorothy Dress. It's a sweet 1950s cotton confection, in baby blue and white gingham checks. Sprinkled with sprays of flowers, a sassy bodice, and a full circle skirt. Pure bliss. And just the thing to bring in spring while "April Showers brings May Flowers."

Don't Look Back: 100% Thrifted. 100% Secondhand First (TM)

Spring has been acting kindly here in the Emerald City. Mild weather, the showers are short, with bursts of sun through out the day. Denizens have come out in full force: petal pale limbs displayed to best soak up this the rare dose of solar vitamin D, and splayed across sidewalks and lawns, preparing seedbeds and gardens for the new season. Imported pansies and pals being dutifully plopped into the gaping mouths of Seattle soil, while gone native violets, daffodils and crocuses form floral choirs of fragrant and colorful blossoms across the cheerful landscape. We are entering the Celestial Season, where Seattle gives the gates of Heaven itself a run for the money as Best Place to Live.

I am besotted with this town. And looking forward in exploring even more of the verdant and vibrant city this summer in my Dorothy dress.

Reminder: Tomorrow is SHOE SHINE! Link up a post or pic of you in the shoes that make you feel like a star. This is a monthly community event, happening every second Tuesday. We want you, and your shoes, so come back, and share your kicks! 
Now Wearing: 
  • rose chiffon floral headband, gifted
  • Kala eyewear (made in USA)
  • vintage cardigan, Trove
  • vintage sundress, Sweet Repeat Vintage 
  • vintage vegan leather handbag, SOLD 
  • pre-loved Liberty for Target rainboots, thrifted
Stoked to be featured in Claire's Creative Monday link-up  Linking up to Patti's Visible Monday
Bella Q is the steam engine behind the Citizen Rosebud.   Wordsmith, artist + rabble rouser, she lives in Seattle, Washington.  Currently pursuing her life's dream to create an artist's collective that works with secondhand sourced materials. She finds it awkward writing about herself in the third person, loves to go thrift shopping, and likes to feel beautiful. And she thinks you're pretty swell yourself.