Blow Me up Like a Blueberry

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hey guys! Is it actually Wednesday?!?! Seriously?!?!

Gosh I feel like this week is flying by.



So lately I’ve kinda been obsessed with my 7eleven coffee. I know. I know you’re thinking gross! But my 7eleven has pretty good coffee. It’s smooth, always hot, and it never tastes burnt which is my number one pet peeve about coffee.


It’s true, I skip my 7eleven coffee sometimes for good ole Starbucks… yesterday the baked goods snared me with all their cinnamon…


Morning bun!!

Anyways… what makes 7eleven coffee so desirable???


They have blueberry creme coffee!!!

I mix a medium cup with 2/3 blueberry creme and 1/3 french vanilla. Add a little sugar and OMG it’s better than plain old colombian roast, that’s for sure.


I’m on a roll this week!

Monday: I hit the gym at 3:45pm for 55 minutes on the elliptical at 17 level resistance. Then I did the May Bikini Body Countdown Circuit x2.

Tuesday: I hit the gym at 3:30 for 52 minutes on the elliptical at 15 level resistance. I like to change it up. Then I did a Tae Bo DVD for about 45 minutes. (last night I was tir-ed! and I was seriously falling asleep at 8:30)

Planned for Wednesday: Hitting the gym after work for 55 minutes on the elliptical then doing the bikini circuit x2

Tell me about you!!! I want to know…

what is your favorite flavor of coffee and where can I get it?