Bloodstone Meaning, Use, Properties and Color

Posted on the 23 December 2018 by Emil Sipos @emilPsipos

People born in March in Zodiac sign of Aries are blessed with 3 amazing March birthstones – Bloodstone, Jasper and Aquamarine. Bloodstone has few color varieties. It is dark blue to green stone (in some cases red, brown, multicolored or green) speckled with brown or red spots. Since those spots are similar to blood stains, people gave it this interesting name .

Other Bloodstone names are:

  • Heliotrope – Jasper variety of dark green gemstone speckled with red color
  • Blood Jasper

Bloodstone red spots come from hematite – form of iron oxide that is causing rust inside the stone that turns red. It is primarily found in India but some other mines are located in the Middle East, Europe, Australia and Scotland.

Other gemstones that persons born in March can use:

  • Aquamarine – modern birthstone for March, planetary gemstone for Pisces
  • Bloodstone – traditional March birthstone. Pisces birthstone, Aries birthstone, ancient Arabic, Hebrew and Roman March birthstone
  • Jade – mystical birthstone for March
  • Amethyst – Pisces sun sign birthstone
  • Sapphire – Pisces sun sign birthstone
  • Ruby – talisman stone for Pisces
  • Diamond – Aries birthstone
  • Jasper – Aries planetary stone, Ancient Hebrew, Italian and Russian birthstone for March
  • Topaz – talisman gemstone for Aries
  • Opal – Hindu birthstone for March

Bloodstone History and Meaning

In the ancient times Bloodstone crystal was considered as one of the most beautiful Jasper variety with deep green color and specks of red. First names that Bloodstone gem got were “Sun Stone” and “Christ Stone” after that. Through the history this amazing stone was connected to vitality, passion, strength and courage. People used it as talisman for magical, mystical and protective purposes.

First and widely known legend surrounding Bloodstone comes from the time of Christ crucifixion. It is said that when the blood of Christ dropped on the ground beneath him, it turned into stone. Another variety of the story says that his blood fell on the Jasper stone under him and speckled it with the blood spots. This way we have got Jasper gemstone variety known as Bloodstone today.

Of course, Bloodstone crystal was popular before the time of Christ crucifixion. Before that time it was known as Heliotrope which in Greek stands for helios (Sun in Greek) and trepein (to attract). Legends from that time carry belief that sun rays during sunset that bounce from water surface, reflect blood stains inside the gemstone.

Its ancient use was always connected to blood and organ detoxification. During that time, people used to put Bloodstone in the water and place it on the body improving circulation and aid healing of the woulds and injuries with the power of the Sun. Ancient warriors used it for healing wounds where it was prized for its coagulant effect.

March Birthstone for Aries

Due to its healing properties, Bloodstone was chosen as birthstone for Aries. Being energetic people with lots of enthusiasm, it is pretty obvious why Bloodstone is chosen for them. Every stone is a bit different and acts as a lucky charm for Aries. They support their interesting nature and symbolizes their energy.

Bloodstone will boost Aries courage and physical strength. This stone will help them overcome all competition so persons born in Zodiac sign of Aries should carry it with them all the time. Their desire is to be number one at all costs so this stone can support their dominance and strong individuality.

Bloodstone as their birthstone supports their initiative, fearlessness, strong sense of self-belief and leadership. Aries are never afraid of standing up to their believes. They can get anxious and angry in case that they suppress their feelings. Other gemstones that are chosen as their birthstones are: Aquamarine and Jasper.

Bloodstone Gemstone Properties

Bloodstone is often worn for protection against all threats, both verbal and physical, as a guide stone to confront someone when needed or back off when appropriate. Also, this stone will increase your mental clarity, help with making decisions and give a boost when you need motivation.

This stone stimulates intuition, dreaming, creativity and helps with idea actualization from start of the project to the end. Bloodstone will help increasing your energy levels and overall physical activity. It is amazing help for stimulating your immune system, it helps with infections, cold and inflammatory issues.

Bloodstone Stone Color

Bloodstone crystal is very interesting due to its colors. It can be red, brown, green and multicolored. Main thing that set this stone apart are brown and red spots that are formed thanks to iron oxide impurities inside it. This is specially prominent with Hematite. Solid green color comes from Chlorite inclusions or amphibole minerals that are found inside Chalcedony. Base color is green in most cases but its color is often uneven with lighter and darker zones of color.

How to use Bloodstone as Birthstone

Best way to utilize amazing power that Bloodstone provides is to clean your space first of all distractions. Create healing space and make your surrounding comfortable. Set the mood in your room with aromatherapy lamp or light up backflow incense burner. Hold your stone in your hand and set your meditation intentions.

You can meditate with Bloodstone in sedentary position or even walk in the room if you feel like doing that. This way you will free your body and mind from negative energy. Imagine walking through forest or walking on a beach, just make sure that your imagined surrounding feels appropriate for calming your mind.

In ancient Greek and Rome, athletes used Bloodstone crystal as charms during competition to boost their strength and endurance, to protect them from injuries and diseases.

Bloodstone Healing Properties

Main physical use of the Bloodstone crystal is to clean blood, liver, bladder, kidneys by neutralizing toxins and helps the body eliminate them. Also, it will boost whole immune system. Blood rich organs have the biggest benefit from this stone as it is stimulating blood flow helping better circulation. It may be used as an aid with anemia, infections, tumors and leukemia.

Bloodstone is great aid for women through the childbearing period. It is helping with hormonal balance, prevents miscarriages, birth process supporting women with positive vibrations. Moreover, it helps with menstrual problems, PMS symptoms and stabilizes hormones during menopause.

On emotional field, Bloodstone is used for ground wearers body and enhances persons strength, courage and determination to get things done. This stone is great support during hard times, when Aries feel abandoned or bullied. It will teach you that hard times provide transformation and help taking right actions. This stone will calm your emotions, help with making decisions and boosts self confidence.