Years ago, a group known as the Terrans left Earth in search of a life free of persecution. Now they live alongside the Tlic, an alien race who face extinction; their only chance of survival is to plant their larvae inside the bodies of the humans.
When Gan, a young, boy, is chosen as a carrier of Tlic eggs, he faces an impossible dilemma: can he really help the species he has grown up with, even if it means sacrificing his own life?
My last night of childhood began with a visit home.
(Headline, 13 March 2014, e-book, 35 pages, bought from AmazonKindle)
I loved Bloodchild. It's a sinister and unsettling tale. It's beautifully written and I got a real sense pf Gan, the Terrans and the Tlic within a few pages. The story seems simple at first and starts to get very dark when Gan sees first-hand just what it means when the Tlic larvae hatches and starts to question his role and his whole life. I found the actions of Tlic and the complacency of the Terrans devastating. This is a fantastic read.