Blood Music by @RealGregBear

By Pamelascott

In the tradition of the greatest cyberpunk novels, Blood Music explores the imminent destruction of mankind and the fear of mass destruction by technological advancements. Blood Music follows present-day events in which the fears concerning the nuclear annihilation of the world subsided after the Cold War and the fear of chemical warfare spilled over into the empty void of nuclear fear. An amazing breakthrough in genetic engineering made by Vergil Ulam is considered too dangerous for further research, but rather than destroy his work, he injects himself with his creation and walks out of his lab, unaware of just quite how his actions will change the world. Author Greg Bear's treatment of the traditional tale of scientific hubris is both suspenseful and a compelling portrait of a new intelligence emerging amongst us, irrevocably changing our world.


[The rectangular slate-black sign stood on a low mound of bright green and clumpy Korean grass, surrounded by irises and sided by a dark, cement-bedded brook filled with koi]


(@OpenRoadMedia, 1 April 2014, first published 1 April 1985, 282 pages, ebook, borrowed from @GlasgowLib via @OverDriveLibs)



So, I stumbled across the author by chance earlier this year when I borrowed a collection of his stories and novella's from my library because I liked the cover. I loved the book and the author was added to my must read list. I really wasn't sure what to expect with this book. I do like science fiction but only particular tropes and plots and I don't find everything about the genre enjoyable. John Wyndham is my kind of science fiction, set in the real world with recognisable characters. This author reminds me a lot of Wyndham. That's a compliment. I knew I was going to love the book after a few chapters when Vergil injects himself with the intelligent cells he's been developing after he loses his job at the lab for being lazy and using the lab equipment without permission. I wondered where the hell the book was going to go. Blood Music is almost split into two sections, one section ends when Vergil's smart cells are accidentally unleashed into the world and the second section deals with the apocalyptic fallout. I had no idea where the book was going to go and was kept guessing. This is a fantastic book.