Blood Bytes: Best True Blood Quotes 5.08 – ‘Someone That I Used to Know’

Posted on the 03 August 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

Something we enjoy to do each week is to pull out the True Blood quotes that we think are the best from each episode. The criteria for a quote to make our list is that the it must stand on it’s own when taken out of context.

In episode 8, “Someone That I Used to Know,” I can’t deny the power that Denis O’Hare wields when Russell is given great lines by the writers. While there were some good quotes this episode, his were the best and my favorite was:

Russell: God has the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen. I have never been called devout but watching Lilith shoot out of a blood pool while I suck down a bride to the dulcet strains of “You Light Up My Life” well “Praise Lilith, Praise Jesus, Praise Moses’ cock, I am born again.

Here are the other memorable quotations from this episode:

Andy to Redneck: Shut up, Butt plug.

Jason to Sookie: You are who you are ‘cause you got Mama and Daddy inside of you and you want to get rid of that to feel normal. And even if you unfairy yourself, it ain’t never gonna feel right until we find out who killed our parents.

Vampire hater to Jessica: They say my blood, it’s like a God Damn milkshake, you don’t even need no straw.

Russell: God has the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen. I have never been called devout but watching Lilith shoot out of a blood pool while I suck down a bride to the dulcet strains of “You Light Up My Life” well “Praise Lilith, Praise Jesus, Praise Moses’ cock, I am born again.

Nigel: For the first time in a decade, I ate a child. I took his life inside of me and it was right.

Nigel: I need a baby; Lilith wants me to eat a baby.

Bill: Immortality is a curse.

Andy: Now listen here fuck stick I’ve been hauling your ass in here since High school, but this time you’re gonna go to prison until the God Damn Rapture unless you start talking. I want names and address and unless I get ‘em my taser is gonna ask you nuts to the big dance.

Andy: I hate this God Damn town.

Lafayette: Hooker I ain’t in the helpin’ business no more, I’m in the fuck off while I smoke a blunt business and business is about to pick way the fuck up.

Andy: That’s his girlfriend; she turned into him; now she’s stuck.

Jason: I don’t care a twirly fuck about your vampires.

Tara: Uppity? Listen you white trash fuck twat, we’re not in high school anymore so if you let any more of that racist bullshit fall out of your mouth I’m gonna rip out your heart and fry it up with some grits and collard greens.

Pam: You don’t know me that well, my mad face and my happy face are the same.

Pam: You are worthless, you’re only purpose is to serve Tara Thornton. You will worship Tara. Everything about her is a revelation. You exist only for Tara’s nourishment. You will consider it a privilege to let your racist peckerwood blood shoot into her gorgeous cocoa mouth. You are an unpaid food whore, a slave and Tara is your master.

Lafayette: Terry Baby, you got to kill Patrick or either he’s got to kill you.

Russell: Have you ever been to Hong Kong, it’s the most wonderful place on earth, Asian men with British accents giving you a Shiatsu rub down and you feel like James Bond.

Bill: Evolving!