Blondie's Shop: Baby Division.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
    When I started Blondie's Shop a few years ago I had no idea my baby series of cards would be the most popular.  No idea whatsoever!  Imagine that.  And to think I am not even a parent!  Too funny, I know.  However, I do have plenty of friends and family with children hence, how this division got created!
The baby series of Blondie's Shop consists of invitations, announcements and thank you cards.  All custom designed and coordinated to your baby theme.  And of course ustom orders are no problem at all.  Here's a few of my favorities.

Love to hear what you think of the baby division of Blondie's Shop.  Are there any theme's you'd like to see?  I'm always looking for new ideas on the creative side.