
By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy

Hello from Newcastle, UK! Spending a long weekend here catching up and having some quality time with 2 of my favorite girls!
In other news: I’m blonde. A blonde/grey-ish color to be exact.
After spending 2 days at Hype in Arnhem this is phase 5. The final phase should be dark gray as I showed you here, but it’s quite a process and I’m leaving my hair alone for a week after bleaching it multiple times.
I’ve had so many comments on my hair for you guys (thanks a lot for that, I love hearing what you think), positive and negative, but I’m quite neutral at the moment. Blonde is not the best color for me and I don’t like it as much as when I have dark hair, but I’m in an in between-phase so it’s temporary and it’s kind of fun being blonde for a week!

Also: obsessed with this new oversized textured sweater, I could wear this every day.
Happy Friday!

Textured oversized knit: The Laden Showroom x Paisie
Jeans: ASOS
pictures by Fieke