Blondes In Stereo – Torchlight Brewing

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Torchlight Brewing in Nelson BC comes their "Blondes In Stereo". The beer pours a cloudy blonde colour with a white head. The aroma consists of grainy, citrus, citrus zest and some floral hops. The flavour is of grain, bready, citrusy, orange, citrus zest, mild spices and mild bitterness. The alcohol content comes in at 5% with an IBU of 19. This gives you exactly what you would expect a tasty low hopped ale that drinks a bit like a lager.

Commercial Description: Did you grab this bottle because it was the brightest one on the shelf? Well, you've definitely made the right call by picking this crisp, refreshing, blonde ale to quench your craft beer thirst. Made with Wakatu hops from New Zealand, this is the perfect beer to pair with all our sunshine shenanigans.