Blogs I Love!

By Ada

This week has been so good for blog reading I decided I have to talk about a few blogs you should be reading since you are reading mine.  Granted, these blogs are already in my blog roll list on the right hand side of the page and hopefully you are following them, but just in case, here are the top 4 that I look forward to reading the most each week:

NJNA Blog:  The blog of the New Jersey Needle Artists (a chapter of the ANG) is loaded with everything you want in a needlepoint blog-- great pictures of canvases both stitched and new, the latest news and trends in needlepoint, needlework shop happenings, fun trivia, and of course the always exciting activities of their members.  Plus, a lot of things you might miss otherwise.  Case in point, they recently pointed out a needlepoint backsplash featured in a popular home improvement show! (Yes, a BACKSPLASH!) 

Click HERE to visit their blog now! 

Stitchlady's Adventures:

There used to be lots of blogs like Stitchlady's, but sadly not many exist these days.  I think this one was always my favorite of that type of blog-- the individual stitcher posting about what she's working on, so I am happy that it's still a very active blog.  Stitchlady is a great follow for me because I love organized, methodical stitchers who pick a project and work on it until completion, updating their progress as they go along.  I love it because that's not my own stitching style, but definitely something I aspire to! Click HERE to visit their blog now! Chilly Hollow:  Of course you know about The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure already, in fact I'd bet big money that you follow my blog because you read about it first on Jane's Chilly Hollow Blog! Chilly Hollow is both too obvious to mention, but too big not to mention, LOL!  It is hands-down the definitive, go-to source for all needlepoint information and resources, meticulously updated and organized.  If needlepoint had a daily newspaper, Chilly Hollow would be it! Click HERE to visit Chilly Hollow, where Jane is waving from! It's Not Your Grandmother's Needlepoint: This blog is one of the longest running on the web today, but it still looks fresh and new and very high tech, because it's author is needlepoint designer Ruth Schmuff, who has always been absolutely cutting edge!  This blog is unchallenged in posting the most gorgeous photos of stitched canvases with some truly amazing techniques you won't see anywhere else.  Another blog that I am sure you already follow, but how could I not mention it? LOL! Click HERE to visit them now!