
By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

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The news is in 2 days Google Reader will be down and some say so will Google Friend Connect.I am not sure the will take GFC down with Google Reader, but if they do,I will be sad to see it go.Personally I have always never rely too much on Google Reader, from the word go, Bloglovin is always my favorite way to connect with my favorite blogs and follow my fellow bloggers.If you still frustrated about all this situation, don't be.Create you bloglovin account , it easy and fast.You can also import all the blogs you follow with Google Reader super fast.
 photo images_zps5d243ee3.jpgClick here for a quick and fast tutorial.
If you weren't follow my blog before with Bloglovin, please do so by clicking here.If you just created your account, let me know in the comment to follow you.Have a lovely start of the weekend!Finally I will be spending my weekend resting at home this time.
A week off from races and competitions.How are you spending your weekend?Bisous.

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