Blogging Life – Lost and Found

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

My Hurtled to 60 blog has mainly concentrated on my garden and, more recently, my allotment. There have been the odd personal posts, I don’t want my blog to be all about me and mine, but more to share my gardening ups and downs and places I have visited. I love photography and blogging is a great way to show off photos.

My blog will be nine years old in January 2020. During those years, I have fluctuated from posting regularly and then, in more recent years, I have dried up entirely for a few months and written nothing. Call it what you may – writer’s block or just plain boredom, I don’t know.

Somehow over the last year, I also feel Hurtled to 60 has lost its way, which is why I’ve tired of it slightly, if I’m bored with it so will be my readers. I am not a blogger who is overly concerned with follower numbers, however I feel a sense of responsibility to those of you who do follow my posts, otherwise why would you sign up to the blog. Some of you have followed me for many years and feel like friends. It’s heartwarming when you take time to comment, and I thank you all for that.

Clearly blogging is self-perpetuating, if I don’t post then no one will read. Also there is an element of taking the time to read other blogs and comment on their posts. You have to reach out to people, they won’t automatically come to you. There is always a sense of disappointment when comments don’t get left, and the viewing figures drop and this in turn leads to not being bothered to write anything. With so many gardening blogs there is a lot of competition, being of interest and keeping that going is the key. While I write my blog for me as a way of looking back on what I’ve done in the garden and on the allotment, it is always a big boost to know people are enjoying what I have shared.

To make sure I keep my hand in I have contributed to weekly memes such as ‘Six on Saturday’ and the odd ‘Wordless Wednesday’, but even they have gone by the board. I’ve not posted anything for a month. I don’t want Hurtled to 60 to be consigned to the dust corner but have to find a new way of keeping the interest both for me, existing and new readers.

After a lot of thought of way forward, I am going to write a weekly diary catching up on what I’ve done and where I have been. ’Six on a Saturday’ is a great weekly meme and I will get back into the swing of that as well. Firstly, my next post is going to be about my recent holiday, I hope you enjoy it.