Blogging inspiration .... where do you get yours?
Yesterday while the eggs in the picture were cooking for my breakfast I dashed to the bathroom and did my make up for a day out at Mum's. I completed my usual routine in the time it took the eggs to cook, I like mine with just a touch of runniness in the center ... so four minutes!!
I did a post about streamlining my makeup bag a couple of years ago ... it's been streamlined even more since then, gone is the brown mascara and the foundation and in has come a Touche Eclat concealer pen to join the clear mascara and pressed powder. I just rock the' natural look', it's me down to the ground :-)
As I dashed back to the kitchen with thirty seconds to spare I thought to myself "now there's inspiration for a blog post".
Yesterdays post about photogenic animals was brought about by deleting lots of unwanted photos off the computer. A couple of blogging buddy John Gray's posts this week were inspired by comments left on previous posts and triggered whole pages of him learning more about us than we about him. It made for very good reading.
As bloggers we bounce off each others ideas and lives and learn as we do so, it keeps this wonderful world of blogging fresh and interesting and yes, inspiring.
Sometimes of course the opposite happens and lots of us dry up or fizzle out for a while only to come back, usually re-energised and reinvigorated after a blogging break, sometimes with new blog names or a fresh new look to an old but favorite blog. We all need a bit of space sometimes and the energy to try out new ideas, and mostly all it takes is a break or a flash of inspiration.
I get my inspiration from all sorts of places. A chicken doing something unexpected or simply keeling over and dying, flowers on a bush that should be closing down for the Winter, a dog walk that has my lovely trio fascinated by smells or sights unusual to them, new shoots coming through in the polytunnel emerging from dark, moist, home produced compost. It doesn't take much to spark my imagination ... a make up routine done in the time it takes to boil an egg .
Where do you get your inspiration, and if you don't blog yourself which sort of blog reading inspires your imagination and perhaps makes you think it was time you did?
Sue xx