Blogging: Finding Your Niche Subject

By Dwyledotcom @dwyledotcom

I started this weekly post (week 6), writing about a completely different subject.

By now you should have been reading about what career changers can learn from Harley Davidson but have decided that can wait….for now.  I am sure you are intrigued about this, so I promise to post on that later.

Instead, I decided that I wanted needed to write a real, honest, account of where I am at the moment and some of the things I have developed a very strong opinion on, that I wan’t to share with you. Big thanks to Alden Tan’s “Angry” post for the inspiration.

Starting a blog is bloody hard work

“No shit Sherlock!” some of you might say and as Chris Martin from Coldplay would say “nobody said it was easy”

Not only do you have to get into the habit of writing on a regular basis, if you don’t consider yourself a natural writer, this can seem even more daunting if you begin with. A couple of people who read this Blog, have said “well you wouldn’t have thought it”.

But, hey, that’s how I feel.

I highly recommend buying a book on Blogging if you want some structure but you still have to write the thing.

Now this becomes 10x harder if you do begin doubting your content. Which I have done.

The reason I am doubting my content is that I know that I am not “niche” enough yet. I am trying to be all things to all people (which any self respecting blogger will tell you you can’t be).

Actually, scrub all that I am still not sure what people that I want to be something to.

I feel like a fraud as whilst I know some of it’s useful and inspirational, my inner voice is saying “Stevens… what the fuck are you doing”.

As I mentioned in my previous Blog post, I know that Blogging in isolation is not enough. I need to actually make / build / ship something and I am itching to do this now.

But what?

This really has consumed me for weeks.  So  I keep revisiting  what Lee Stevens is all about. What are my passions?

The thing is, I am absolutely certain of now is that unless you are one of those annoying people who already know EXACTLY what you love or want to talk about, you just have to start  Blogging to find out and the answers will come.

And the answers are starting to come. Slowly.

I am certain that my tribe will be a combination of two or more of the following:

  • Motorbike Riders
  • Football
  • Music
  • Business
  • Travel

So, it’s started.

I have set up some great meetings lately and now have a shortlist of ideas that I believe could genuinely earn me a living also.

More interestingly, I have had a great response from people that I approached to interview for Dwyle and that have actually got of their arses and done what they love. Some of them, very well known. All, very inspirational. These are actually people involved in one of the subjects above, which is NOT a co-incidence.

It feels good.

Watch this space in future weeks as some of these begin to flourish.

Oh I now have my first elevator pitch for Dwyle.Com.

“Dwyle.Com – For people that want to set up a business around their hobby or passion”

Maybe that is niche enough?


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