Blogging Daddy Style

By Peppertan

photo credit: uniondocs via photopin cc

Dads are just as excited about babies as us women, so why shouldn’t they share that joy with the world just like we do. Daddy style blogs have something for everyone; they are not just for the boys. They can offer great gift ideas, fun things to do for days out in the holidays or just an insight into life as a brand new dad. Here are just a few blogs that many of you might find interesting. is a brand new blog created by a brand new dad. Just had a baby in May, the author adds a lot of posts about, well, pretty much everything. There are posts about the baby, giveaways and offers that might be of interest to parents, and even an invite for guest bloggers. This is ideal for those parents- or anyone really- who wants to blog about family related stuff to try their hand at it before getting their own site. The site is still in its infancy but gets plenty of hits per month, and as the new baby grows, I am sure this blog will too. has its own blog that covers so many things. There are celebrity pregnancies, tips for throwing a great child’s birthday party and product reviews. The site itself sells scrubs for dads, so if you do not want to visit a site that also sells stuff, then perhaps this one is not for you. If like me, you don’t mind to have a browse- after all you never know when you are going to run out of gift ideas for hubby- then pop over and check out this site. It’s really very good. is definitely going to be one of my favorite dad blogs. It’s quite new so, at the moment, posts over there are limited, but it is the general idea behind the blog that appeals to me.  As the name suggests, advocates spending more time outside as a family. Excellent idea, I think. Kids these days don’t have the same freedom we did when we were younger- when it was safer for us to play outside, wander off to the park and be away for hours with no parental supervision. My child will never know that type of freedom growing up and that is a shame. draws on his experiences of camping trips and days out with his family from when he was a child when he writes his posts, so this one is definitely on my watch list.

So, new dads, expectant dads or granddads, take a look around.  There are plenty of blogs to keep you interested, and mums, don’t feel like you’re missing out. Choose your favourites from the hundreds of thousands out there and subscribe. You’ll never know when those top tips on great days out, or the latest computer game review will work in your favour.