Blogging About What You Need and Want

Posted on the 18 November 2011 by Jean Campbell

As we approach 2012, I would appreciate hearing from you, my readers, as to what you want to hear more about in this blog.

To date, I have focused on blogging about the latest in breast cancer research, breast cancer news from around the country; my personal experiences with breast cancer and treatment; the stories of other survivors, and getting on with life after treatment.

From time to time, I’ve featured  products and services, such as wigs and support groups that help us to get through treatment and on with life.

What features could I add to this blog, in addition to what is already being offered, that might be of help to you? For example: A resource list for products, nationwide or a glossary of breast cancer terminology.

Would you like to see more stories from survivors?

What about blogging about interviews with service providers from the fields of radiation or medical oncology and breast reconstruction?

What about a monthly feature, written, by you, about your physician and/or facility where you were treated and what aspects of care really helped you to get through emotionally as well as physically from diagnosis to treatment.

What about a program of national participants that would offer discounts for needed time outs during and following treatment such as spas, restaurants, resorts and cruises?

There are things you may want and need me to be blogging about that I have not mentioned, please, just email me about them.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please use the contact page on this site or email me at

Thanks for your interest in this site.

All the best,
