A Sunday in Charlottesville with my best friend & blogger buddy, Rebecca from Life with rMe, & Erin from Sugar Snap Pearls, was absolutely what I needed. We brunched, we talked, we gossiped. It was all around a good time!
Erin grew up right around my neck of the woods so it was fun to bond over places we had both visited!
And of course after brunch Rebecca and I HAD to head over to Trader Joe's because let's be honest, we can't stop in Charlottesville without going on a TJ run! My outfit was perfect for the cooler 60 degrees that ensued. The jacket blocked the light breeze and the colors screamed early spring. With the pop of pink among the olive green and the navy, the outfit was pulled together with the fun neon statement necklace.Personally, I'm all about making a statement with color now! I'm not entirely sure what has gotten into me (you can laugh with me now...maybe it's the amount of caffeine I've had this morning...) xo