Bloggers Tool Kit (ifb Project)

By Aiapaperdoll @aiapaperdoll

IFB (Independent Fashion Bloggers) has a project every week, I haven’t had a chance to do any of them yet because I’m so busy until now. Project #10 A Bloggers Tool Kit. Above is a picture of what my “blogging space” looks like at home (when it’s cleaned). I’ve pointed out some of the necessities I need when I’m blogging in this space.

1.  Computer:  Whether it be a laptop of desktop.  My beautiful Mac; I love this computer,  yes it’s a desktop and some  may view this as being such a stationary vehicle for blogging.  However it works for me especially when I have an iPad (#5) for on the go blogging.

2. Notebook/ Pens/ Pencils: I use the Fashionary  notebook.  This is a great book because it has space for your note taking as well as a faint figure image so you can sketch out your ideas for Inspiration you see on the streets or just designs for intimates (which I need to do often for work).  I also love the Moleskin line of notebooks; I feel a good notebook will always make it fun to take notes.

3.  Camera: My trusty camera, the Canon Rebel XS DSLR.  Great for shooting your “Look of the Day” or just capturing life as it happens.

4. Magazines: Stacks and Stacks of Magazines.  I feel like how can I be a blogger of Fashion without reading the magazines dedicated to Fashion.  I have lots of fashion magazines; I tend to keep them for a long time.  What is not shown in this photo is the Stack that is right next to my desk under the printer.  Not that I have an iPad (#5) I can save the articles I want without having to save the entire Magazine.  the wonders of technology; thank you apple.

5. iPad: This really speaks for itself.  I travel with this everywhere I go; it can work as my notebook, a camera and my actual computer to create post and save the drafts.  I think every blogger should invest in some type of tablet.  Of course, I would say the iPad is the best, but that’s because I’ve been on Macs since 7th Grade and that was back in 97′-98′.

6. iPhone(not pictured):  A smartphone is also a good item to have as a blogger because it has the convince of being small, light weight and very useful.  it can be just about everything the tablet is, in that tiny size.  A camera, notebook and convenient “blog post starter”

7. A Great Layout:  This is not really an item, however I feel it is key to having a great blog.  I have a simple layout that does not have to many distraction.  I don’t want my readers to go away because there is a lot of confusion going on with my blog.  it takes away from what I am writing about. My words and images should speak for themselves.

I’m sure there are many more items bloggers would use to write but these are the items I use the most.  if you think  of anything; please feel free to let me know you thoughts in the comments area.