Bloggers Slumber Party

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

I was talking to Leah and Emily on twitter the other night and saying how awesome I thought it would be to have a bloggers slumber party, and both thought it would be a good idea.

After a little discussion we thought it would be great to have an event where we can all chill in our pj’s, pamper ourselves, but also have a bit of a makeup and clothes party. It would nice to be able to watch a movie or two and have snacks and cocktails!

Hopefully it would be held centrally so that it is accessible to most people, and there would be a ticket charge to cover the cost of venue hire and such like. I can’t tell you how much that is likely to be because I was hoping to see what the interest would be like before I start looking into different venues.

It would be an event open to all kinds of bloggers, as long as you blog and want to come to a slumber party then you’re more than welcome to join us!

What I want to know is would you be up for a bloggers slumber party?

Tink x