I was one of those kids in secondary school that HAD to have my school bag and books ready the night before. Now I'm older and in work, I HAVE to have my outfit hung over the bannister on the landing for the next day at work. Rushing round the next morning trying to find something to wear annoys me.
It goes without saying that I also love to tidy, sort and clear out once in a while. It makes my mind feel more 'fresh' and makes me feel more motivated. This goes for all areas of my life, from physical clear outs of that horrid cupboard where all the letters get shoved, or a computer clear out of all those duplicate photos, or even an internet clear out of blogs that I no longer read.
I'm not sure about your newsfeed but since my blog has been live, (which is probably almost 3 yrs now), I've added many blogs along the way. As the months tick by, I find myself bypassing the same old blogs in my reading list. Occasionally I'll think 'I really must have a clear out of my blog feed', but of course never do. So, with a new year fast approaching, I've decided to begin uncluttering my life, starting with my blog.
I'm actually quite fussy on what I look for in a blog now, and found that a lot of the blogs that I 'unfollowed' were purely down to the fact that they blogged about products that would cost me a months' wages if I were to buy them. Sorry, but I refuse to spend £30 on a lipstick, or £50 on that amazing body butter. I'd rather get 10 products for the price of your one. In my life, these blogs are unrealistic, therefore I am unable to relate to them. I look for blogs that are 'down to earth', products I can buy that aren't going to break the bank, common interests, and people that inspire me. If I'm honest, the appearance of a blog also swings it for me.. bad quality photos and an ugly or confusing layout and I'm outta there, unfortunately.
Before I began my 'cull', I had accumulated 149 people that were sat in my reading list. After my clear out I managed to get it down to 85. To those 85, you lucky, lucky people. Since my clear out, I have been on the hunt for fresh new reads, ready for a fresh new year.
So, if you live in the real world, do real, achievable things, and blog about lifestyle, travel, home interior or beauty, then pop your link in the comments section below, and I'll gladly check you out. Oh, and if your blog is sparkly, floral, cutesy and full of girly-ness fun then I'll probably like you even more!