Bloggers Hopping Along

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

hopping along the blogging trail…

me from high school to now…

What’s your favorite non-animal related book?

I love to read, and do not do it enough.  I LOVE Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L’Engle even though it is supposed to be a children’s book, it is about changing reality … amazing book, so inspiring.  There is a dog in the book but not about the dog.

here are some other favorites: (some are funny books, hilarious, laugh out loud, others heartwarming and/or spiritual)   the dog training book is a romantic comedy that is roll on the floor funny in some parts. books that touch my heart, open my heart, make me feel something

the good earth by pearl s. buck

healing from the ashes by rabbi Yonassan Gershom

full blast, full scoop, and 12 sharp of stephanie plum series by Janet evanovich

The Enneagram by Helen Palmer

The Tao of Equus by Linda Kohanov

dog training the american male by LA Knight

Fast women and other Jennifer Crusie books

What’s your favorite non-animal related movie?

I love movies and it seems that they have been putting them on all over TV again and again lately. #1 Love Actually.   Also, Ghost, Sound of Music, Groundhog Day,  Pretty Woman, Erin Brockovich, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle… again, the romantic comedies and movies with songs to sing a long to are fun too.

Who’s your favorite actor?

Hmmmm my favorite actor… (is this gender male or female?) well, ok,  male would be someone hot and gorgeous like George Clooney or Richard Gere or Robert Redford, oh well, guys who have integrity in the films they do and actress would be Meryl Streep, she is soooo good in everything she acts in, well mostly

What makes you feel fabulous?

Physically, may sound strange but I have been running in my sleep, since I cannot do so here in the physical world yet due to physical limitations (can hardly walk).  would love to do yoga again, ride a bike, ice skate, dance, all the fun things I used to be able to do…

Emotionally, giving, loving, creating something beautiful… heartfelt…

Professionally, personal connections with folks who appreciate my work is always good. And being able to inspire, encourage or help someone who will actually take the tips/encouragement and run with it, even in their own way.

What do you wish you were more skilled at?

I wish I could do more of the fun things I love to do. If I were more skilled at stuff I hate (math, techie stuff), I wouldn’t do them anyway LOL… I do wish my brain was friendlier and receptive to some things but a rose is a rose is a rose and an orchid an orchid, we each have our own individual special magic gifts to shine and bless others with ok, I guess I wish I could draw, paint more realistically… and take more photographs…

What’s your favorite holiday?

Well, I could say Thanksgiving since my birthday is either on it or around it… Xmas, my first one was 30 something years ago, it was very shiny and new to me then, now, hmmmm, I think July 4 is not it although I love the fireworks… perhaps my favorite holiday is Valentine’s day because I am a romantic person at heart and love love love LOVE… was just thinking of starting a new blog about Finding True Love, can a 60 something woman find True Love??? It is time for me to at least go on a DATE…

Favorite meal?

Chinese or Thai food… Pad Thai or chicken curry with egg rolls and rice. Yummy. Chocolate something for dessert of course.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love beach volleyball, watching the players in the sand slam dunk. Mostly, my free time is spent watching  TV shows like Charmed, Masters of Sex, or NCIS, or movies

What one word would people who know you use to describe you?

I think most people think I am crazy. Hopefully though, they think I am funny, spunky and creative, too. My family (when they were alive) used to say I was too sensitive, my ex thinks I’m brilliant, other friends say I am pushy and I never wanted to be known as cute nor perky.

What is one thing you’ve done that you’re most proud of?

I’m very proud of the seminars and workshops I led, prayer warrior work I did traveling around the world for three years as well as the metaphysical meditation growth work (behind the scenes) and activism I’ve done over the years. It is all related to changing the world, creating a better more humane world to live in, one where EVERYONE is loved, belongs, is honored and cherished. We ALL deserve to be loved and respected and valued.

If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?

I would have a life partner to travel with in life and around the world.  True Love Companion. A human BFF.

Other than blogging, what are three things you do that bring you joy?

I love being in nature, whether that is with animals (dogs, cats, horses, dolphins, whales, whatever), connecting with other humans who like to have fun and laugh and share themselves, and of course chocolate makes me happy (nah)…

What’s one thing you could do to be more kind to yourself?

Stop focusing on what’s missing or wrong or bad in me and focusing on what is working, what makes me happier, solving problems instead of creating them with my fears and insecurities and anger.

Also forgiving myself and others.