Bloggers Bitch About Blogging Far Too Much

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

When I started blogging a little over 8 months ago I had no idea what direction I was taking.

To be honest, I had no idea what blogging even was.

My desire was to create a website to house a few parenting articles, after searching for free hosting I came across WordPress.

The rest is history, or so they say

I became a mommy blogger because I owned a mommy blog. I had never heard of this phase before. I was catapulted into the world of social networking, I was somewhat swept away in the do’s and dont’s of blogging.

I have never been one to listen and follow rules and am sure I have made mistakes along the way.

But I soon developed my own style, branded the manic blogger I am sure by many. My life is one of craziness and is fast paced, the blog reflects this.

I joined blogging forums and  became a little lost sheep following everyone elses lead.

Within time I became rather dizzy. With so much to do and learn blogging suddenly became a chore.

The fun element was lost. I had guest posts and blog anonymous posts coming out of my ears. I had mothers asking me to write about certain topics.

I had reviews sat in my email inbox to accept on products that in real life I would never think of buying yet I was afraid to say no to the lovely lady at the end of the email PR request. I have never been good at saying NO.

Then there were the PR requests for me to copy press releases onto the blog. These were written for me and would bring great free exposure to the brand, but what about me? What do I get for this? Except a headache when one of the links do not work or I can not find a free image to use that represents what the press release is about.

The offer to attend events, that sound amazing and the children would love, but it would mean traveling over 8 years and would take up a years saving to attend.

I became a blogging bitch

I bitched about blogging to my husband, my friends and anyone who would listen to me rambling. I was far too busy worrying about what I was meant  to be doing, that I got nothing done at all.

Trying to set aside the cost for the hosting of the blog and the real time traffic analytic site I used and getting frustrated at WordPress crashing or the servers going down. AAGGGHHHH I was living a nightmare.

Trying to fit a whole days activity into a space of a few stolen hours, I seemed to run around in circles half the time. I needed to relax and remember it would still be here when I got back.

I have watched the huge Klout debate on Twitter and  how many bloggers were even deleting their accounts with Klout. Does Klout  matter that much ?

Bloggers becoming upset and angry that their scores and ranks had plummeted on the Tots 100 list. I feel for the ladies over there who are behind the score board and have to deal with the public outcry.

I feel some do take blogging far too seriously at times. I know I was starting too.

Yes I  still moan about blogging at times ! But I have stopped worrying about keeping up with others. I have cancelled the real traffic subscription. I have remembered what is important – the reason I started this blog is now what I am to achieve.

Blogging still brings me great satisfaction. I just need to keep reminding myself this is meant to be enjoyable.  To not get too involved with the whole circus that comes with it. I do not want to be drawn into something where I feel out of my depth. I would much rather just carry on writing as and when I can and to forget about the stats and the leader boards and influential measurements and learn to say NO.

I need to stop being a bitch blogger and go back to being an ordinary mommy blogger.